Managed Logistics Services
For logistics specialists, the answers to three questions open the door to infinite possibilities – where, when, and how. The more options a merchant gives their recipients, the more cost-effective, sustainable, and flexible logistics and the delivery solution become.
Our all-in-one offering combines methods, behind-the-scenes processes, and software for strategic, tactical, and operational planning. A typical commission involves us taking over the planning and day-to-day operation of a major retailer’s logistics in order to optimise goods flows between the retailer, stores, and often also consumers, restaurants, or even construction sites. Where relevant, we also take care of the flow of goods to the retailer from its suppliers.
For us, complexity isn’t something negative. Quite the opposite, in fact. The more parameters we have to work with when planning and managing logistics, the better. And our planning doesn’t depend on any third-party suppliers. The answers to where, when, and how combined with our knowledge of the recipients’ requirements, capacity limitations in the supply chain, order data, and up-to-date weather and traffic information, for instance, enable us to plan deliveries smarter.
What InQuire offers is unique because we manage every aspect of supply logistics and supply chain management. We take responsibility and look at both the bigger picture as well as small changes in real time, from long-term strategic analyses focusing on cost-efficiency and sustainability, to how traffic jams, weather, and other current conditions can delay a delivery.
That’s why in most cases we can reduce our clients’ logistics costs by 20 to 40 percent, increase the delivery service level, reduce the environmental impact of goods flows, and improve drivers’ working conditions. And we believe that makes us unique.
Behöver ni en professionell funktion som utvecklar och driver hela eller delar av er logistik? Med IQPL och våra kompetenta medarbetare, styr och planerar vi era leveranser av varor i ett nära samarbete med er. Ni kan när som helst insourca er logistik igen. Då hjälper vi er med övergången genom utbildningar, implementering samt introduktioner i IT-stöd och metoder.
Happy Delivery
Erbjud dina kunder framtidens leveranstjänster. Utgångspunkten för Happy Delivery är hur konsumenten, butiken, restaurangen, byggarbetsplatsen eller lagret önskar få sin leverans för att det ska fungera optimalt i deras vardag – inte i transportörens. Dessutom är det utvecklat för att driva din försäljning. Ett nytt sätt att tänka leveranser, med smartare planering och nöjdare kunder.
Har ni rätt lösningar och tillvägagångssätt? Har ni rätt kunskaper och redskap för ett rationellt inköp av logistiktjänster? Låt oss hjälpa er att utvärdera och implementera nya beteenden och metoder. Vi hjälper er med enstaka genomlysningar eller utbildningar till design av hela den logistiska kedjan.
Med IQPL som bas erbjuder InQuire lösningar på allt från kontinentala infrakter, gränsöverskridande transporter, nationella och internationella full- och partloads samt distribution till slutmottagare. Vår absoluta specialitet är neutral samdistribution av varor i effektiva och mycket välfungerande nätverk.
IQ-Support är för dig som arbetar med vår metodik och har licens för IQPL. Supporten är också ett verktyg för våra underleverantörer som använder våra IT-stöd. På ett enkelt och trevligt sätt hjälper våra kompetenta medarbetare till med olika ärenden.

IQPL – Intelligent Partner of Logistics – is the model that the whole business is based on and run according to. The model contains our methods, processes, and IT tools. By working according to a standardised model, we can develop and be efficient, flexible, and innovative.
IQPL consists of nine processes and functions, broken down into various sub-areas at several levels. Each sub-area is standardised and can be combined in different ways, making the whole model flexible and adaptable. Each area is continuously developed as we identify opportunities for even better solutions. As IQPL is standardised and broken down into these components, changes are usually implemented very quickly.
The model has proved effective so the rate of development is high. The basic idea is that it is better to make many small changes continuously and immediately than try to implement major developments that are complex and protracted and which perhaps never come to fruition. In addition, the methods focus on the small things that are usually overlooked.